Facts About US Addresses
Jan 25, 2024

Facts About US Addresses

What is a Zip Code?

Zip Codes are 5-digit numbers created by the USPS that represent post offices all over the US. Each 5-digit Zip Code comprises of the the national area, the region or city, and the delivery area. The additional 4 digits are ZIP+4 codes, which identify the postal carrier's geographical segment within a zip code delivery area.

Learn about USPS address guidelines here.

How many Zip codes are in the United States?

There are 41,683 ZIP Codes in the country. ZIP Codes range from 00501, belonging to the Internal Revenue Service in Holtsville, NY, to 99950 in Ketchikan, AK.

What was the first Zip Code issued?

This first ZIP Code was 00601 designated to Adjuntas, Puerto Rico in 1963, as the first Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) system was developed. The idea started in the 1940s, when postal workers found it difficult to locate parcels across the country efficiently.

Can Zip Codes change?

Due to population increases, the USPS will occasionally add a new Zip Code or change Zip Code boundaries. It is typical for 10-20 new ZIP codes to be created each year, many of which are for military uses. The +4 on a ZIP code however, can be changed as frequently as once a month, based on the number of postal employees are working, who is working what route, etc.

How many addresses are there in America?

There are currently 163.1 million addresses in the country (2022). New builds are added to the USPS database daily.

What is the longest mailing address in the US?

The longest street name in the U.S. is 38 characters long: “Jean Baptiste Point du Sable Lake Shore Drive” located in Chicago, Illinois.

What are the most common street names?

The Most Common Street Names in America are Main, Maple, Second, Oak and Park.

Do we really need Zip Codes?

Zip Codes help identify post offices and mail delivery routes. Omitting a Zip Code from an address would make it very difficult to deliver a parcel to a property.

Are Zip Codes ever removed?

Over 1,000 ZIP codes have been decommissioned as post offices close or the needs of the United States Postal Service change.