What is a Verified Address
Feb 7, 2024

What is a Verified Address

A verified address is the full address result selected from a search. With our address lookup tool, you are not charged per keystroke or by the number of address suggestions displayed, but per verified address. A full address would include a property number, street name, city, state, and ZIP Code.

To activate address lookup, you will need to purchase credits. You can view our pricing here.

Address Lookup Credit

Each account can produce one or more API Keys, and these Keys are used to access addressing data. Each Key has its own credit balance. This means usage from one key does not affect the balance of the other.

A credit is equal to one verified address. When we return the full address data, a credit is deducted from your balance.

How to Purchase Credits

For a one time purchase, follow the steps below:

  1. On the left hand side of the dashboard, click on the 'Keys' tab.
  2. Click on the blue ‘Manage’ button on your API Key.
  3. On the right hand side of the dashboard, you will see your current balance in a bright green box. Click on the blue ‘One Time Top Up’ button
  4. Enter the credit block you would like to procure. A block corresponds to 100 credits/verified addresses. Each purchased batch of credits will expire a year after initial use.
  5. Enter your payment details and click ’Make Payment.’

Automated Top Ups

You can also set up Automated Top-Ups, whereby your API Key will be topped up when your balance runs low and keeps you notified.

Follow the Automated Top-Ups guide to find out how to enable this.

Contact us if you need help getting started.